USS Warrior Bot Commands

The bot has a special command available so that you can remotely control it using mIRC's standard controls. Merely type ## <command> in the chan or priv msg.
/msg Andromeda ## /exit
will cause the bot to quit.

!online Activate the bot
!offline Deactivate the bot. (Turns off all the features)

Only people who have "god" access (100+) can perform the these commands. When the bot is in the channel, but not activated, the features will not work.

Channel and user commands:

!invite Use this to invite someone to the sim chan.
!mode Use this to change the channel modes.
!say <channel> <text> (use in private msg/query window) Makes Bot say what you wrote.

Say in channel, the bot will then DCC you, then any text you type in the DCC window will be said by the bot on the channel you tell it to. eg type #Ten-Forward blah blah. This will make the bot say blah blah in #Ten-Forward.

NB: DCC is not working at the moment. It is unclear if it ever will work.

list nicks gives you a list of all users in the channel
!join #* (use in private msg/query window) joins the specified channel. (Only sit in one channel at a time or commands won't work)
!part #* (use in private msg/query window) leaves the specified channel.
!partall (use in private msg/query window) leaves all channels currently in.

More commands:
!computer record promo for <nick> <old rank> to <new rank> <stardate>
This is a way of keeping records for crew promotions.

!computer list promos
Shows the current records.

Commands for handling users:
!op <nick> Makes user with the mentioned nick operator in the channel
!deop <nick> Takes operator status away from user with this nick
!opme Makes you operator
!deopme Takes the operator status away from you
!voice <nick> Gives user with this nick voice
!devoice <nick> Takes voice away from user with this nick
!kick <nick> Kicks the user with this nick off the channel
!bankick <nick> Bans and kicks the user with this nick from the channel

Commands for simming.

These should only be used by the Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer:

!attn Call Attention On Deck
!start =-=-=-=-=-Sim Start-=-=-=-=-=
!end =-=-=-=-=-Sim End-=-=-=-=-=
!pause =-=-=-=-=-Sim Pause-=-=-=-=-=
!resume =-=-=-=-=-Sim Resume-=-=-=-=-=
add auth code For things like the auto destruct
initiate auto destruct Requires 2 officers
initiate self destruct Requires 2 officers
code 1 <auth code>
code 2 <auth code>
cancel self destruct authorisation
<auth code>

Each of the following commands is for use during the sim, you can activate the command by typing either of the following:
FltCptFury> Computer <command>
FltCptFury> Computer
Andromeda> Specify Request?
FltCptFury> <command>

These are the commands:

red alert  
yellow alert  
stand down alert  
shields up  
raise shields  
shields down
lower shields  


Transporter commands:
<number> to transport <location> Only use this command for Out-of-ship beaming. ie. Ship-to-ship, ship-to-ground etc. eg. 3 to transport to the planets surface.
(This Mode prevents you from beaming with the shields up).
<number> to beam <location> Only use this command for beaming inside the ship. ie beam me to ops.
eg. 2 to beam to ops.
(This mode allows beaming when shields are up, hence the reason for it being used as an internal transport mode).
energise This command is only to be used after the above transporter commands


Tactical commands:
weapons status Gives you a current status on how the shields, cloak and weapons are doing.
engage cloak  
activate cloak  
deactivate cloak  
target Used to target something. Must be used before you fire any weapons.
fire phasers  
fire torpedos, salvo of <number>  
fire tricobalt torpedos, salvo of <number> Only works if Tricobalts are enabled
arm tricobalt torpedos Only works if Tricobalts are enabled
stand down tricobalt torpedos Only works if Tricobalts are enabled
fire photon torpedos, salvo of <number> Only works if Photons are enabled.
arm photon torpedos Only works if Photons are enabled.
stand down photon torpedos Only works if Photons are enabled.
charge phasers  
arm phasers  
ready phasers  
arm torpedos  
stand down all weapons  
power down all weapons  
stand down torpedos  
power down phasers  
Ready all weapons  


Helm and Navigation commands:
set course <number> mark <number> Give two numbers, Heading and Mark. eg Set course 103 mark 4
engage at <speed> Use after previous command. Speed can be warp or impulse
current speed Says current speed
all stop  
full stop  
initiate auto docking sequence  


Medical commands (EMH):
M> computer activate emh can only be done from sickbay hence the M>. The EMH is then controlled from a private messaging (query) channel that will be opened automatically with this command.
M> computer deactivate emh can only be done from sickbay hence the M>



If you add the TL> locator to your text the bot will automatically take you to your destination, so be careful. When you use the TL> locator, ONLY type your destination behind it, otherwise you get something like this:
Andromeda> ::The Turbo lift speeds off with Mac inside towards (the) ::taps her foot impatiently:: ::
which, as you will agree, looks silly.

NB: if you want to say or do something in the turbo lift, use a slightly different locator like "TurboL" or "TLift", and you will not have this problem (thanks to an unnamed, resourceful crewmember).


Status commands:
!status Gives you an OOC status Report.
!stats Tells you your rank with the Bot.
!weapons Weapons Status Report.
!computer weapons status As Above.
!computer status report Gives you an OOC and IC status report. (Warning can cause flood)
!replicator status Tells you if the replicator is on or off.
!bot status Tells you if the bot is online or offline.
!swear status Tells you if the swear kick is active or not.


Add user commands:
!add101 <nick>  
!add100 <nick>  
!add50 <nick>  
!add25 <nick>  
!add5 <nick>  
!ruser <nick> This removes users.
!25on Lets ppl add themselves to the user list by typing !25.
!25off Turns off the !25 feature
!50on Lets ppl add themselves to the user list by typing !50.
!50off Turns off the !50 feature
!100on Lets ppl add themselves to the user list by typing !100.
!100off Turns off the !100 feature
25= Voice Level, 50= Op Level, 100= Master, 101= God, 5= Auto Kick


Sounds Reactors (sounds will play when you type this if you have installed the sound pack)
door chime
Action (bold) ---->

(must be minimum of 4 -'s)


Other bot commands:
!topic Specify Topic
!stats Specifies your level.
!swearkick on  
!swearkick off  
!replicator on If you don't want Andromeda to tend bar, but want to get your own drinks from the replicator.
!replicator off  
!sounds Sends you the sound file.
Not working yet (DCC does not work)
!wavs Tells everyone in the chan about the sounds.
!bar This makes the bot DCC you the menu
Not working yet (DCC does not work)
!ad Advertises the HobbesBot (Andromeda)
!time Makes the bot tell the time (in GMT)
!computer deactivate Makes the bot use the /exit command.